Here is the context for installing vSphere Replication in this tutorial :
- vCenter Server 6.0 Update 3a
- Servers are VMware ESXi 6.0 Update 2
- vSphere Replication 6.1.2
- Replication with single vCenter to another cluster on same site
vSphere Replication : Prerequisites
Check interoperability matrices
The first thing to do is to check the VMware compatibility matrix in order to have the most stable environment possible.
You can visit the official VMware link to verify compatibility with vCenter Server or other VMware products or see the screenshot below.
Check VirtualCenter.FQDN
The second thing to check is to use the FQDN on the vCenter. To do this, go to Manage> Settings > Advanced Settings > Search “VirtualCenter.fqdn“
vSphere Replication : Installation deployment
I draw your attention to the fact that the latest version compatible with a vCenter 6.0, and downloadable in OVF format, is version 6.1.1
To upgrade to version 6.1.2 it will be necessary to go through an update.
Download OVF
To download OVF, follow the link bellow and download “”
To update on the latest release, I explain it in the next part of this tutorial.
Deploy OVF
Now you can deploy vSphere Replication to your environment. To that, right click on your cluster and choose “Deploy OVF Template”
- Choose your OVF file, it named : vSphere_Replication_OVF10.ovf
- Click Next, Accept and Next
- Select where you want to put your VM
- Choose the CPU configuration…
- … select the storage…
- … then the network
- Here you must define the root password to access to the GUI of vSphere Replication
- Just a warning message to inform you that vSphere Replication must be accessible to the vCenter
- Click “Finish” and see the deployment in your vCenter.
Now, your vSphere Replication Appliance is install. We are ready to configure it now
vSphere Replication : First configuration
Go to https://your_ip:5480 and logon to VR with :
- username : root
- password : define in deployment
- This is the Home page of VR
- Firstly, go to Network > Address sub-tab to control and finish the network configuration
Update to the last release
The second important action is to update your vSphere Replication (if your vCenter is to 6.0U3) before integer it to your vCenter !
The only way to update vSphere replication is to download the ISO, mount it in the VM then select “Use CD-ROM updates“. To make that, go to Update > Settings
- Select Use CD-ROM updates
- and “Save Settings”
Download the latest release
The latest release at this date is “VMWare-vSphere_Replication-”
You can download it here :
Update your vSphere Replication
- Mount the ISO “VMWare-vSphere_Replication-“
- Stay on the “Update” tab and select the “Status” sub-tab
- Click “Check Updates“
- And “Install Updates“
- Go to “System” tab and select “Reboot“
- Your vSphere Replication will be update and reboot 1 or 2 times.
- You can check your VR is up-to-date !
Connection to vCenter
This is the last but mooooost important step ! In this screen you can see how to integrate your vSphere Replication Appliance, into your vCenter.
- Go to VR > Configuration sub-tab
- LookupService Address is add automatically, it’s your vCenter lookup service
- SSO Administrator, enter credentials information to your vCenter (use administrator local account)
- VRM Host is define by default, VRM Site Name is the identification of your VR in vCenter
- Click “Save and Restart Service” to add it in your vCenter.
- HMS package will be install on all your ESX servers
- If all is OK, you can now see a new module in your vCenter : vSphere Replication !
vSphere Replication 6.1.2 plugin fails to load in vSphere Web Client
You no longer have access to the vCenter client web interface : restart vsphere-client services
I hope this full post help you to deploy vSphere Replication in your environment ! If you have any question about this post or about vSphere Replication, don’t hesitate to post a comment !
Hi ! I’m Maxime. Founder and independant author of I have worked in service IT since 6 years ago, after a 5 years’ internship. Via this blog, I would like share and discuss with you on new technologies, especially on virtualization and VMware. If you want to know more about me, check out my “about me” page or follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn